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Friday, July 27, 2012

Application Server Role Windows Server 2008

Application Server provides information technology (IT) professionals and developers with an integrated environment for deploying and running custom business applications that are built with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0. You can choose services that support applications that are built to use COM+, Message Queuing, Web services, and distributed transactions.

To install the Application Server role

On the Windows 2008 server, go to Start | Server Manager.

The Windows Server Manager console will open. Choose the option under Roles.

Select Web Server (IIS).

On selecting this, the following window will open.

Select the "Add Required Features" button.

On the Select Server Roles, choose the Application Server check box.

On selecting this box, the following window will open.

Click the "Add Required Features" button.

On the Select Server Roles screen, choose Next.

Click Next on the Select Server Roles window. This will take you to the next section which is an informational page on the Introduction to Application Server.

Click Next. This leads to the Select Role Services menu. Select the Web Server (IIS) Support checkbox.

After selecting this, the following window will open for the required dependencies.

Click the "Add Required Role Services" button.

After this, select the COM+ Network Access checkbox.

After these options have been selected, click the Next button. This leads to the Introduction to IIS page, which is seen below.

Click Next.

Under the Role Services section, the following items must be checked under Application Development: ASP, CGI, Server Side Includes.

Scrolling down to the bottom of the page, the IIS 6 Management Compatibility options must be selected.

After making these selections, click Next.

The Confirm Installation Selections screen will include a summary of the changes to be made to the server.

The installation progress will be shown in the screen.

After installation completes, the Installation Results will be shown. Everything must have a "Installation Succeeded" as the status.

The IIS and Application Server roles will now be installed. Running the LANDesk Management Suite 9.0 system prerequisite check should show that the server meets the IIS portion of the requirements.


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